Medical checks are vital when climbing Kilimanjaro. That’s why we at Kili Africa Tours recommend undergoing medical checks for all our Kili climbers.
Your own doctor will be aware of any pre-existing conditions that affect you and will be able to advise whether your current state of health and fitness level, together with your age, makes you suitable for a challenge such as this. He or she will also be able to tell you if any of your existing medications/prescriptions are likely to cause difficulties at altitude.
They will also tell you if any of these are incompatible with Diamox, which you might need on the mountain.
Remember that, although climbing Kilimanjaro is not dangerous, it remains potentially dangerous, so it is vital that you consult properly regarding your health. It is essential that Easy Travel are aware in advance of any health issues you may have, which may impair your ability to climb, before you book your trip.
We cannot advise you on such conditions or health issues – that is the job of your doctor – but you should be especially aware of breathing issues such as asthma, abnormal blood pressure, heart conditions, impaired vision or hearing and diabetes, hypoglycemia or kidney issues.
Although climbers of all ages have climbed Kilimanjaro, please note that there is a minimum age of 10 years old for undertaking the climb. Additionally, we would in any event urge caution to any climber who is either over 60 or under 18. It is especially important for young or old climbers to consult their doctor in advance.
Be aware that you will need to have a resting heart rate of less than 100 beats per minute, before you are allowed to climb. (We will test all climbers for this and will refer anyone who cannot comply with this to a local doctor.)